The largest on-the-ground presence in the management of the commercial fishing industry, aquatic science, resource access, fisheries planning, enforcement, licensing of fishers and the fishing fleet, leases, and allocation of shares of fish rests with Fisheries and Oceans Canada. The provincial governments are involved to a lesser degree with secondary responsibilities for marketing and value added activities. The presence and involvement of Aboriginal Peoples in the modern Atlantic commercial fishing industry is surfacing and here to stay for the long term.

MAARS serves the partners with fishing industry advice shared between the partners for their greater participation and position in the Atlantic commercial fishing industry by:

  • Providing A focal point of fishing industry information base on fishing practices, developments, opportunities and a range of federal and provincial fishery industry policies, programs and initiatives.
  • Identifying best commercial fishing practices, fishery management, fishery planning, capacity needs, expertise and sharing knowledge.
  • Coordinating regional Aboriginal fishers’ training, skills and other industry knowledge to create and enhance opportunities for Aboriginal Peoples within the Atlantic commercial fishing industry.
  • Identifying, and supporting planning for existing and new fishing industry ventures, partnerships, opportunities, and value added activities.
  • Supporting our partners’ strategic positions and plans with factual information and assisting the partners in developing fishery business plans and fishery operation plans.
  • Coordinating the exchange of information about SARA and other acts, policies and strategies that can impact or require adjustment to the conduct of the commercial fisheries and overall commercial fishing industry.